
Viagra 200mg

Original price was: $2.60.Current price is: $2.20.

Viagra has proved itself to be the most effective oral medicine for treatment of erectile dysfunction condition. However, in order to lead a normal sexual life the in spite of the erectile dysfunction condition, a person is to take Viagra regularly which becomes costly for an otherwise healthy man.



Viagra has proved itself to be the most effective oral medicine for treatment of erectile dysfunction condition. However, in order to lead a normal sexual life the in spite of the erectile dysfunction condition, a person is to take Viagra regularly which becomes costly for an otherwise healthy man.

Viagra is a prescription drug and the patent of Viagra is owned by Pfizer who has developed the medicine after long research and spending of millions of dollars over the year.

It is not the denying fact that patented Viagra is a costly medicine. As the patent of Viagra is owned by Pfizer who is the innovator, they have the opportunity to fix the price to make good the cost of research and development of the medicine.

On the other hand, consider a person, who is suffering from Erectile Dysfunction condition, but wants to lead a normal sexual life, will require Viagra regularly.

As the medicine is costly, regular use of Viagra will be a costly affair and some times may be unaffordable.

Small medicine manufacturers have devised solutions for this problem. They manufacture generic equivalents of some of the patented drugs but keep the price of the generic medicines within the reach of the common citizens.

The generic medicines are similar to their respective patented equivalents in respect of formulation, method of preparation and dosage and strengths and can safely be used like the patented drugs.

The system at present is so popular in the US that almost fifty percent of patented drugs have their generic equivalents. Even insurance companies insist their customers to resort to the generic medicines wherever available in order to keep the medical bills low.

Generic Viagra, is such a generic medicine which is equally effective like the patented Viagra but with down to earth price. Only difference is that you can not use the same patented name for the generic drugs. For example generic equivalent of Viagra can not be sold in the same name of Viagra.

Usually generic Viagra is sold in the market as Sildenafil Citrate, Sildenafil or V-i-a-g-r-a and as so many others.

Let us go to the detail about this.

The medical or generic name of patented Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate. So there will be no patent violation if the same medicine is sold in the market in the name of Sildenafil Citrate or only Sildenafil or so as the generic Viagra.

The manufacturers of this generic Viagra did not spend so much money towards its development and they have only reproduced the formulation. As such the price of generic Viagra is so cheap and affordable to common man. You can not resist its sale.

This is the reason that, at least fifty percent of the patented medicines have their generic equivalents. Viagra is no exception to this.

Introduction of generic Viagra has come to the rescue of an ordinary citizen suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Medical expenses are nowadays sky rocketing, So generic medicines have come in the market as savior for common man and even insurance companies are insisting its use nowadays.

In respect of quality and effectiveness of generic Viagra, we can assure that there is no difference between patented and generic Viagra, both are manufactured with the same formulation and quality control.

So you can buy generic Viagra, use it and you will be sure that this will give you the joy of sexual excitement as much as you can get through patented Viagra.

However, I will advise that you can buy generic Viagra only after being convinced about the quality and effectiveness of this medicine.

The author is an amateur writer focusing primarily on health related topics or on the health related research findings. For more information on Viagra, visit


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